Victoria Hero Discount
Here at Burley Cleaning we would like to give back a little in our fantastic community. That’s why we’re offering a 10% discount to members of the military and VIHA employees. Just let us know that you qualify for the discount when you book your cleaning appointment at 778-430-0303.
Nope. Nasty. Nope.
How clean is your trash can? You know, that one under the sink? You probably line it with a bag, but how often do you clean the inside of the can? Seriously, it gets nasty in there. Give us a call at 778-430-0303 and we’ll come take care of that and all of your other cleaning jobs.
Enjoy Your Long Weekend!
We hope you have at least some time off this weekend to enjoy the weather with family and friends!
Dirtiest Spots In Hotel Rooms
Summer holidays are just around the corner…when you’re on the road and stop at a motel keep this little list in mind – and maybe some wipes in your bag! The pillowcases: It’s a no-brainer that sheets need to be changed between one guest and the next. Thankfully, this seems to happen most of the … Read more
Mother’s Day Promotion
At Burley Cleaning we wanted to do something to help honour all of our mothers. Teaming up with Decorate Victoria, we’ve put together a package that we think will really impress both you and your mom. Purchase a 2, 3, or 4 hour clean for mom and we’ll deliver a beautiful certificate along with a … Read more